This is the journey that Elite Labels undertook to reopen the site during the COVID-19 pandemic ensuring all its staff, customers and visitors were COVID safe and the site was COVID secure.
1. Risk assessment
Full risk assessment completed covering:- working on site, Protecting People who are at higher risk or people who need to self-isolate, Social distancing at work, Coming to work and leaving work, Moving around buildings and offices, Workstations, Meetings, Common areas, Customers, visitors and contractors, Cleaning the workplace
This risk assessment is displayed on the COVID notice board for everyone to review.
2. Deep clean
All touch points have been cleaned and sanitised, Phones, Desks, Handles, Clocking in machines,
Printing machines, Switches etc. ensuring

3. Communication to staff
All staff who are furloughed have received communication on the Elite Labels Ltd re-opening plans.
If staff have personal issues due to COVID-19 they have contacted their managers so Elite can support them during this period.
When staff are called back in they will receive communication beforehand telling them when they are due back and what they will need to do on their return.
Regular updates go out to working staff and furloughed staff on workloads, operating practices to ensure they stay safe and maintain a COVID-19 secure site.
A COVID-19 communication board has been set up in reception which is updated with any changes so all staff can keep themselves updated.
4. Staff training
All staff returning to work complete a Peninsula “Returning to Business” training module.
They have to pass the test at the end before they can return to work. The training covers, what COVID-19 is, New site processes, Hand cleaning, social distancing at work, cleaning your area, and reporting problems.
5. Poster campaign
Posters have been put up around the area covering, Social distancing, Hand washing, Be an Elite hero, entering the site, and COVID-19 prevention. These are updated regularly.

6. Cleaning stations
Each area that is working plus the canteen have been issued with sanitiser sprays, sanitising wipes, hand sanitiser and blue roll to allow staff to clean and sanitise their own equipment regularly during the working day.
7. New processes
We have had new process for, deliveries, collections, visitors to site, working on site.
Review of Actions
Elite conducts a weekly review for compliance and assign actions when required and display on COVID 19 notice board. The review covers, access egress to site, hand washing and sanitisation,
communication with staff, poster in place and up to date, cleaning stations for staff, stock holdings,
staff / visitors following policies and procedures.