Elite Labels premises are on the perimeter of St Matthew’s Housing Estate which boasts a thriving community spirit. As a business we have always taken a keen interest in the various activities and support offered by the St Matthew’s Big Local charity organisation.
When the charity organisation approached us to participate in the estate improvement and Clean Up Day, as a company we jumped at the opportunity and on a freezing cold day in February 3 keen employees took part in the event; hence the ladies looked like ‘Michelin’ men due to the layers of clothing underneath the company sweatshirts!
We were warmly received and welcomed by all all involved, as I believe we may have been the only business representative within the community. Each group was given a particular area to clean up and for 2 gruelling hours all got thoroughly involved. One of the most gratifying things was local drivers passing us by hooting their car horns and thanking us for our participation.
We always like to be informed and involved in any activities that surround the St Matthew’s estate and are proud to be associated with the area.